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Accelerate your digital transformation and uncover key opportunities that drive competitive advantage in a tailored briefing. Build new and develop deeper relationships, share and discuss your vision and strategy and identify key areas for growth hacking. Our briefing teams are ready to meet you where you are—whether in a virtual environment or in person to advance your digital journey.


Drive your Microsoft cloud business initiatives from wherever you are and use the opportunity to create multi level relationship between yourself, Microsoft, ALSO and end customers.

Briefings provide a collaborative environment for strategic discussions and experiences to further your business objectives. Whether a high-level strategic workshopping session or an immersive technical demonstration—or somewhere in between—our briefing delivery teams are here to help you.

Apply now EBC Agenda

Modern Workplace

The Modern Workplace EBC provides an immersive environment to experience how emerging technologies can transform your business. The EBC features Product Roadmaps and new business opportunities for partners.

Apps and Infastructure

Engage with subject matter experts and discover the business value of Microsoft Apps and Infrastructure comprehensive portfolio and opportunities. In your briefing, you’ll explore Sales Plays and best practises.

Business Applications

Accelerate your business transformation through the power of Microsoft Business Applications. Collaborate with industry experts to create actionable plans that deliver your specific cloud business outcomes.


Engage with industry experts to explore use cases and discover Microsoft security and compliance solutions. Discuss best practises on how to win new customers and what are the opportunities for you as an ALSO partner.

ALSO Cloud Marketplace

Engage with industry leaders to explore how ALSO Cloud Marketplace can advance your digital transformation. Monetize and unlock growth opportunities to sell more services and increase usage. Interact with in-person and virtual demonstrations tailored to your business initiatives to experience how ALSO Cloud Marketpalce advances the way to sell Microsoft solutions.


Accelerate your transformation

Engage with subject matter experts to advance innovation in the ever-changing digital landscape and drive the future of your enterprise by transforming technology, people and economics.

Partner with industry leaders

Ignite your speed of innovation and engage in collaborative discussions with subject matter experts to shape what’s next for your enterprise.

Engage in immersive experiences

Interact with in-person and virtual demonstrations tailored to your business initiatives to experience how Microsoft and ALSO advance the way people live and work.

World class experience

Partnership between your local ALSO team and Microsoft teams ensures your virtual or in person briefing is tailored to your strategic business initiatives and provides immersive experiences to bring your strategies to life.


Contact your ALSO’s Microsoft Account Representative to request your briefing.